Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Substance Addiction – Is A Rehab Clinic The Answer?

Addiction to substances can affect anybody I know this first hand. I myself know family members and close friends who have directly been affected by addiction to substances such as alcohol or drugs. Many people suffer for years without seeking or looking for help, often people are unaware they actually have a problem until it's too late. Treatment options for addiction vary worldwide and there is a huge difference in approach depending on where you go. The most common treatment with rehab clinics for addiction is a 12 step program which started out with the group Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Other branch offs of Alcoholics Anonymous include narcotics anonymous (NA), cocaine anonymous (CA), sex addict’s anonymous (SLA), crystal meth anonymous (CMA)… You get the picture.

Rehab Clinics for Addiction
Rehab - The answer to your problems?
All the anonymous services listed above and others not listed work on the 12 step program. This program is based on total abstinence from the substance involved. The first step in all of these programmes is admitting your powerlessness over the substance or action involved, for many this first step is the biggest hurdle there will ever face and many end up resorting back to it time and time again battling addiction and being unable to continue life with total abstinence. One of the main issues of a programme based on total abstinence is the stigma attached to relapse and the essential loss of face in the community that you have built up during your recovery. I myself know after being in Alcoholics Anonymous for a few years and having various periods of sobriety that returning to a meeting after a relapse is very difficult and often harder than actually the relapse itself. I'm not bashing Alcoholics Anonymous or any of the above groups that just giving my point of view on the system I believe fails many people. I know Alcoholics Anonymous and the other groups have saved millions of lives. The reality is when you look at the figures from Alcoholics Anonymous or the other groups the success rate is normally described at best as around 4%.

Many other rehab clinic treatments are based around the holistic type therapies such as yoga, Reiki and meditation. Success rates relating to treating addiction with holistic therapy are very rarely monitored and if they are they are extremely difficult to actually keep on top of. There is no organised group of holistic therapies that can actually give reliable figures on the long-term recovery rates from addiction using these different methods. Currently me and my business partner are trying to measure success of these different approaches to addiction. Many rehab clinics across the world are adopting holistic approaches to treatment now.

Other methods to treat addiction include substituting with new substances such as naltrexone. This is also available in an injection form known as Voltron. Studies around this particular substance have been interesting and misleading at times. Initial tests carried out on naltrexone actually indicated that it was counter-productive substance. From reading various information on naltrexone I've come to realise that the initial studies carried out with naltrexone were carried out incorrectly and the substance was issued to people who were in abstinence from alcohol or other substances. The results in these particular patients were actually negative and when using naltrexone without another substance they tended to be more likely to relapse. A book I recently read actually discussed the mis-Administration of naltrexone in this situation. Studies are going on in Scandinavia with a certain Dr who is administering naltrexone in a new radical way. Instead of issuing to people who have maintained abstinence naltrexone is being issued to people in active addiction. Naltrexone should be taken before a drinking session it is believed over a period of time using naltrexone will turn the most problematic alcoholic into a safe social drinker. This particular story is fascinating to alcoholics and addicts across the world and I have no doubt a lot more information will be released on this subject when the study is completed. Do not be fooled by this though all addiction is dangerous and simply taking a “magic pill” to cure your problems is certainly not the answer.

Rehab Clinic - What they do?
Many farmers lock children in sheds like this to cure addiction.
Another method of treating addiction that is quite out there is using psychedelic substances such as ayahuasca and ibogaine. These substances are both natural and highly potent hallucinogenics. Much research is being done into both these substances at the moment. There is however a huge backlash against any medicine that is not produced by the pharmaceutical giants and as such these substances are illegal in many areas of the world. Obviously very few rehab clinics exist that offer this type of treatment and you usually have to travel to South America and find a Shaman. I will not go into too much detail about these two and will save that for a future blog. I have personally researched ayahuasca and will write about that shortly.

So are rehab clinics the answer to the problem? I guess that's for you to decide… I do know if you have a problem with substance addiction and cannot stop on your own a Rehab Clinic is probably your best option. When stuck in a cycle of addiction it can be incredibly difficult to stop on your own. This is where the substance abuse rehab clinic can really help you. Once you have broken the addictive pattern with the help of rehab centre you can then get your life back on track and decide which route you want to take.

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