Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Juice Plus Saved My Life!

So after pulling out of my super fight with Harry Matthews I fell into a deep state of depression. After 2 days I felt like my life was essentially over.

Thankfully I was in the pub commiting slow suicide when my night in shining armour arrived. A juice plus salesman! These are my amazing results in just 6 days!

I have gained 11 stone of pure muscle and lost all fat. Even my dog lost weight looking at me!! I dont even eat food anymore and only train once every 96 days. I went from being in poverty to owning 6 Jets, 2 casinos and a football team. The transformation is terrific!

Also my neighbors kid caught Ebola - guess what I gave them juice plus and he is cured. I'm now riding through Africa on elephant back curing all diseases for just £49.99 a month. #millionairesclub

My future plans are to flood facebook with bold claims and bomb ISIS with juice plus in an aim to end conflicts, diabetes and poverty in the middle east.

Are you ready to change your life? Fuck juice plus try methamphetamine.....

Below are some pictures of my transformation and how I'm spreading juice plus.

Quick gains
Earnings every 6 seconds
My Wednesday Jet
Curing Ebola